Emergency Technologies & Digital Resilience

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The last decade has seen dramatic growth of technologies that impact society, from data science and machine learning through to pervasive mobile devices, social media and drones. But mostly this technology was not designed for use in crisis, adverse physical or cybersecurity environments, and carrying out our lives on the “global cloud” brings huge vulnerabilities for both the public and for emergency responders.

In the Crisis Technologies Innovation Lab, we are researching the design and use of technology in a way that promotes Digitial Resilience, that is private, secure, robust and reliable even in adverse or threatening environments. This brings together maker culture, data science, cybersecurity, privacy and human computer interaction research.

Our partnerships include a nationally recognized collaboration with Bloomington Fire Department to explore innovative ways that data science, situational awareness and communications tools can be used to help realize a data-driven fire and emergency response capability (see news article about this here); and a partnership with mesh networking company GoTenna.